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Puppy Consult

For puppies under the age of 6 months. This is a great option for those thinking about bringing a new puppy home


In Home Consult

Is your furry friend stealing food off the counters? Or maybe stealing socks out of the Laundry? I will come to you and come up with a plan to live peacefully with your pup

Day Training

Day training is the perfect option for the working pet parent. I will pick up and drop off your pup and train while you work! Want to work with your dog instead? These can be turned into consults where we work together to create the perfect training program. 

Package of 6 sessions $600


Package of 12 sessions $1200

Additional Services
Daycare $35 per day
Boarding $48 per night
Add a single training session for $25 for a max of 4 days. 
Adventure walks are $45 for an hour long adventure! Keep it fun with a hike or trip to their favorite store to pick out a treat. 
Need a bath before you leave? 
a Bath package includes a bath, brush and nail trim. 
Under 30 pounds $35
30-55 pounds $50
Over 55 pounds $60

Stay and Train

Going on vacation? Why not get a head start on training while you are away? There are 4 Stay and Train Packages available to best suite your dog and your lifestyle. 

1 Week: $700
This package is designed for very young puppies who are just getting started or finished dogs who need a tune up. This program does not address major behavioral problems unless previously discussed. 
2 Week: $1500 
This program is intended for older puppies or adults needing basic commands such as Sit, Down, Stay, Heel and Place. Minor behavioral issues are also addressed in this program. It comes with an Outtake and 2 in home sessions.
3 Week: $2000 
This program is intended for dogs needing basics such as Down, Stay, Heel, and Place. It also addresses issues such as Jumping, Mouthing, Energy Management ect. This program is heavily tailored to the needs of the dog and family. Behavioral issues such as reactivity are addressed in this program. It comes with and Outtake and 2 in homes sessions. 
4-6 week $2600-$5000
This program is intended for those looking for off leash skills. It includes all basics such as Sit, Down, Stay, Heel, and Place. It goes into depth on proofing behaviors to make it safe for you and your dog to enjoy those off leash trails. This program also addresses major behavioral issues on a case by case basis. 
Service Dog Training
Service dog training will be done on a case by case basis. Please note that Emotional Support animals are not Service dogs and are not required to  have any training per the If you have a disability that having a service dog would mitigate please reach out to discuss options. I can not train Guide or Epilepsy alert animals.  
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